Watched in 2023 (#4): Dungeons and Dragons, Murder Mystery 2, Taxi Driver and more

Hi friends! I’m really sad that I have not been able to consistently post the last few months, but I’m doing the best I can while having a full-time job and other obligations. So this is really late, I’m so behind in talking about the shows and movies I have watched in 2023 (I still have 13 things that I’ve watched but haven’t reviewed) but I’ll do my best to catch up.

Dungeons and Dragons (3.5 stars): I have never played the game but I have always been curious so I decided to give the movie a go, and I found it a fun and entertaining adventure movie. Some of the things I appreciated the most are the visually stunning and vibrant universe and the charismatic characters who were played very well by the cast. There could have been a bit more depth to some of the characters and certain things felt rushed or underdeveloped in terms of motivations and plot, but overall, it was a good enough movie.

Murder Mystery 2 (3 stars): I enjoyed this a lot more than the first (which it’s not saying much!), because I went into it with the right expectations. This is an over-the-top, silly, absurd movie that it’s fun to watch if you don’t think too hard about what’s happening. The humor lands sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t, but Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston’s chemistry makes up for a lot.

My Masterpiece (4 stars): This is an Argentinian movie that I ended up really enjoying. I’ll start by saying that the main character- before he lost his memory- was the absolute worst, he was a sexist, self-important, art snob. He gets less insufferable after he loses his memory. But I have to admit that since he comes on screen, he is absolutely hilarious. Honestly, the black humor in this is really good and one of the stronger elements of the film. Another one is the exploration of a male friendship, especially since it’s two older men who are friends. This friendship, which was flawed and toxic most of the time, but also full of real care for one another, was the backbone of the movie and it presented a very complex and interesting portrait of it. I don’t want to spoil the plot, so I’ll just say that my main complaint is that the ending, while a realistic version of what would happen in a capitalist society, seems to accept and embrace to a certain point the evil of capitalism instead of condemning it.

Taxi Driver Season 1 (4 stars): This kdrama caused me a lot of moral dilemmas but I ended up liking where it went by the end. The plot is so compelling and I enjoyed following two groups of characters that seem to be on opposite sides but end up having to work together. For me, the strength of the group of main characters who have such a tragic backstory even if you wouldn’t realize that at first glance. They are easy to root for, the chemistry between the main cast is amazing, and the performances are outstanding.

Taxi Driver Season 2 (4 stars): I liked the plot of season 1 more and I missed one of the main characters from the first season who didn’t come back. But overall I enjoyed season 2 more due to the character development of the main cast and the development of the relationship between the main characters. I’m anxiously waiting for season 3 because my ship flirted this entirety season and it almost, kind of, sort of sailed by the end of the season, I mean, they gave us a scene that it’s up for interpretation and I’m choosing to believe.

Unlock My Boss (3.5 stars): I started watching this because I like the actor who plays the main character, and I wasn’t expecting to absolutely adore the found family at the heart of this show. I loved the two main characters, their relationship, and the way they were there for each other and slowly started to like each other. I also loved the relationship that all the characters had with the little girl, and how they were all concerned for her and trying to be there for her. Another thing I wasn’t expecting was to like one of the side characters so much and the heartbreak that came with that. Honestly, a lot of unexpected things happened, the big plot twist at the end was so shocking but also sad. Overall, it was an entertaining show.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Have you watched any movie or tv show this year that really disappointed you?

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