Watched in 2024 #4: Dune part 2, Furiosa, lots of rom-coms and more

I’m still trying to catch up on reviewing everything I have watched this year because I have watched a lot of things. Hopefully, I’ll catch up soon now that I’m blogging consistently again.

btw, I would love to add more people on Letterboxd, if you have an account please share your username in the comments. My username is @sofiazuluaga

Dune Part 2 (5 stars): This movie was so incredible that no review can do it justice. The pacing of this was relentless, it didn’t let me catch my breath, and the way sound was used kept me focused, it made it impossible to look away. I was at the edge of my seat the entire runtime and this is not a short movie. The cinematography was breathtaking and the performances were outstanding. There were so many charismatic actors in this movie and they all did a fantastic job. This is my favorite role of Timothée Chalamet, I also loved Austin Butler, Zendaya, and Rebecca Ferguson. To name just a few. Javier Bardem stole the show, he was hilarious, and by the end of the movie I wanted to slap him. There are some interesting themes explored in this movie about fanatism and the use of religion to control people, and I think that exploration was handled well. I can’t wait to see where the story goes in the next movie.

Asteroid City (3.5 stars): Visually this movie was so cool, the performances were great and, overall, it was an entertaining movie with a quirky humor that worked well. Unfortunately, thematically it went over my head. But as the movie says: “Don’t try to understand it. Just keep telling the story”, so I just kept watching and enjoying it even if I didn’t quite understand the point it was trying to make.

Top Gun: Maverick (4 stars): I usually don’t watch action movies, so I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this as much as I did. This was very entertaining, the action scenes were mindblowing, the movie was so intense, and Tom Cruise did a fantastic job in his role. Also, the soundtrack was great. My one issue is that I wish there was more time spent on the relationships between the characters. I especially would have liked to see more of Maverick and Rooster, because the reconciliation felt a bit unearned; it seemed like there was an important conversation between them missing from the movie.

Players (3 stars): This wasn’t terrible from an entertainment point of view and I liked the performance of the two protagonists. But it slightly romanticizes stalking, and the movie spends too long focused on the wrong relationship. I love friends-to-lovers stories but not like this, not when it happens like an afterthought towards the end of the movie, there needed to be more time and scenes spent on the actual romance in this romantic comedy. It needed a lot more pinning and a bit more angst.

Upgraded (2.5 stars): I was stressed the entire time while watching this, the main character made terrible decisions, one after the other. Then at the end, everything gets magically fixed which was obviously going to happen because it’s a rom-com, but it was a bit frustrating how unrealistic the ending was. Also, the movie spends so much time focused on other aspects of her life that there were not enough scenes between the two protagonists for me to be invested in their relationship.

Four Weddings and a Funeral (3,5 stars): This movie is funny, the friend group is great and Gareth and Mathew’s story is devastating. There is a lot to like about it. My issue is that the main character Carrie is so poorly written, she has no personality beyond sleeping with a bunch of men and being manipulative. Also, the two main characters barely know each other. For those reasons, I couldn’t really be invested in the romance.

Book Club: The Next Chapter (3 stars): I appreciate that they are making more rom-coms with older women as protagonists. This wasn’t great but it wasn’t terrible either. It had some funny moments but also a lot of the jokes didn’t land. Still, it had a beautiful setting and was a perfectly ok movie to pass the time.

Irish Wish (1.5 stars): This was terrible. Most of the performances, the script, everything was terrible. The one thing that made this bearable was Lindsay Lohan’s performance; she was the only not terrible thing in this terrible movie. If you think I said the word terrible too many times in this review, you don’t want to know how many times they said “Paul Kennedy” in the script of this movie.

Theater Camp (4 stars): This was a joyful, chaotic, heartfelt, funny movie. The performances were great, and especially the kids stole the show, they did such a fantastic job.

Pride and Prejudice (5 stars): This was a rewatch obviously. The cinematography in this movie is so lovely, as well as the costume design. The script adapts the book and captures its essence so well. The performances are all subtle but wonderful. And the love story, the chemistry between the characters, it just impossible to look away from them. The scene of the love confession and subsequent rejection under the rain is such a masterful scene and it perfectly encapsulates the theme of pride and prejudice of the story.

Música (3.5 stars): This was fun and creative and you can see Mancuso’s passion for this story. It’s visually interesting, the music scenes were cool, and the puppets were a surprisingly good addition. The representation of Brazilian culture gives this such a unique touch and Camila Mendes does a great job infusing her character with so much charm. Everyone is saying that this is a rom-com and parts of it are, a big part of the movie is focused on Rudy’s relationships, but I think it’s mainly a coming-of-age story. As such, I think the last part of the movie was a bit rushed and could have been more fleshed out, for the main character’s journey to be more satisfying. There’s a scene that lasts about 15 minutes towards the end of the movie, which is so stressful that I was distressed watching it. Mancuso did such a great job acting and directing that scene. And in general, the movie.

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Watched in 2024 #3: Oscar-nominated Animated movies, romcoms and so much more

I have not been reading as much as usual, but I have been watching SO MANY movies. In Watched in 2024 #2, I talked about 2024 Oscar nominees but I left out animated movies, so in this post, I’m talking about them and about some other random things I watched.

btw, I would love to add more people on Letterboxd, if you have an account please share your username in the comments. My username is @sofiazuluaga

The Worst Person in the World (4.5 stars): I don’t know what to say about this movie. It is relatable, unexpectedly sad, and captivating. I felt invested in the main character’s life, her constant existential crisis and her restlessness in the face of them, and her complicated and intense relationships. The script, cinematography, and performances are all incredible. It left me on the brink of tears.

Cha Cha Real Smooth (4.5 stars): This is such a wholesome movie and it has an awkward humor that it’s part of its charm. I love Dakota Johnson, she is so good in this, and her chemistry with Cooper Raiff is fantastic and makes this captivating. Also, this movie does a good job capturing that uncertain and in-between stage after college, but also for older people, the fear that comes with getting married, having children, and knowing that life will never be about just you again. I love the way this goes in a realistic but not entirely expected direction, and the bittersweet ending really hit me.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (4 stars): This is a fun and charming movie. It has witty dialogue and quirky humor. The color scheme and the cinematography in general were incredible. Ralph Fiennes’ performance is so engaging.

The Sound of Music (4 stars): Watching this for the first time in 2024 knowing nothing beyond the basic premise, I was completely surprised. This is such a charming movie, the songs, and the performances are great, and the ending is unexpected. My only minor critique of this is that some musical numbers go on a bit too long, but overall it’s a really good movie.

Quiz Lady (3.5 stars): This movie doesn’t do anything we haven’t seen before, but it is charming and entertaining and has funny moments. I love that we are getting more comedies with Asian women as protagonists. Sandra Oh and Awkwafina do a fantastic job with their parts, playing against type, and they have great chemistry.

Palm Springs (3.5 stars): This is funny and it has great performances. I especially enjoyed Cristin Milioti. Also, the chemistry between her and Andy Samberg is fantastic. This is a new take on the time loop concept, which was very well executed, and the movie’s fast pace kept it from becoming repetitive or boring. My one issue is that, because of the fast pace, there wasn’t as much time dedicated to exploring these characters and having the emotional depth that I wanted.

No Hard Feelings (2.5 stars): This has funny moments and the performances are solid. But the age gap gave me the ick and a lot of scenes that were supposed to be funny were just cringy.


Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse (4 stars): I enjoyed this more than expected as someone who doesn’t typically watch animated movies. The soundtrack is fantastic, the vibrant colors are captivating, and I really liked the mix of different animation styles. This was creative and fresh in many different ways, and the story kept me engaged the entire time.

Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse (4 stars): Surprisingly, I enjoyed this more than the first one, mainly because the emotional conflict was a lot more interesting to me in this one and because I appreciated the slower pace that let me be more invested in the characters and the story. This captures what was great about the first movie while expanding the world. There are so many new characters and new worlds and it’s all so interesting. The animation just like in the first movie was phenomenal. I didn’t mind the ending with its lack of resolution and I’m looking forward to the next movie.

Nimona (4 stars): The animation style is lovely, the dynamic between the two main characters is fun to watch and the development of their relationship pulled at my heartstrings, the humor was solid, I loved the casual queerness, and the world-building which mixes elements from fantasy and sci-fi is very cool. While the story was fairly predictable and they made a lot of changes from the comic to make this more palatable, it was still an entertaining and captivating movie.

The Boy and the Heron (3 stars): Visually this is absolutely stunning and the world created in this movie is so whimsical, imaginative, and captivating. However, the pacing is inconsistent, there were points where a lot of things were happening and I was really engaged, but then the pace would slow down and I got bored for portions of this. Besides that, the emotional journey did not hit in the way I wanted. This tried to be an exploration of grief but I feel like it didn’t go deep enough and there isn’t enough build-up to sell the message of letting go that it tries to deliver. The main character’s emotional journey is not clear. Also, it often rushes through emotional moments, especially towards the end.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse (3 stars): The animation is stunning and it’s a really cute short. While the overall message is good, it’s delivered in very basic, commonplace phrases that are the entire dialogue of the film, which makes it lack depth.

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Watched in 2024 #1: Anyone but You, The Bear, Daisy Jones and the Six and more

My movie and tv show reviews are back for another year and I’m already behind because while I haven’t been reading that much in 2024 so far, I have watched so many things. So, expect another of these posts soon.

For now, here are my thoughts on some of the things I watched at the beginning of the year:

Anyone But You (4.5 stars): I don’t care what anyone says, Sydney Sweeney and Glenn Powell have fantastic chemistry. The sexual tension, the flirting and the banter were all there. Also, this was really funny, I laughed multiple times, and overall this movie was such a blast to watch. More importantly, some solid song choices were made, I haven’t been able to get Unwritten out of my head since I watched this. The montage at the end with the entire cast signing that song made the movie even better.

There are a few very cringy scenes (they were supposed to be funny but weren’t) that happened while they were pretending to date but hated each other, and I wish that part of the movie was a little shorter. Also, some of the dialogue was really, really cheesy. But overall, a very fun romcom.

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The Bear – Season 1 and 2 (4.5 stars): I can’t believe that took me this long to watch this. I loved it, I enjoyed season 1 a little bit more than season 2 because the main cast spent more time together. But I loved all of it. The characters are these flawed, complex people and watching them develop this relationship between them and become a found family even when they dislike each other often was captivating and probably my favorite part of the show. The ups and downs in the development of the characters is incredible to watch and I can’t believe by the end of season 2 they made me like Ritchie, that was completely unexpected. I also love the rhythm of the show, how each episode is intense and there are points were it’s almost a frenzy. Episode 9 of season 1 is one of the most intense episodes of television I have ever watched.

Welcome to Samdalri (4.5 stars): I loved this from beginning to end. The performances of the entire cast are so good, the small town setting adds so much warm to the series and this quiet story of personal growth of the main character but also of people around her was so beautiful to watch. I was completely invested in the second chance romance, the two main characters have such a powerful connection and it’s so evident whenever they are together, the male lead is such a green flag, and there are some non-cringy, romantic scenes that I loved. Slowly getting to discover why they broke up was so engaging, the angst was real and there were some truly heartbreaking parts. The side characters were fantastic, especially the sisters, and their romances were also so adorable. Also, the relationship of one of the sisters with her daughter was incredible and one of my favorite parts of the show.

There was a plotline revolving unrequired love that didn’t add anything to the story and felt pretty unnecessary. Also, after having a pretty slow pace for most of the series, the last episode felt rushed and crammed. But overall, it was such a good show.

Daisy Jones and the Six (4 stars): The casting was perfect, everyone delivered amazing performances, the characters were flawed and complex, the music was fantastic, the leads have so much chemistry and they are captivating. Watching this you truly felt like it was set in the 70s in the music scene of the time. It was a thoroughly entertaining series. And the ending is so bittersweet.

Gyeongseong Creature (4 stars): This series has a slow start, but when it picks up the pace, it doesn’t let up. The performances of the entire cast were incredible and the setting was so realistic, it truly felt like Korea in 1945. It has a lot of memorable, complex characters and in particular the main characters goes through an incredible journey of character development. While the romance stars a little instalovey, the two protagonist have so much chemistry and the characters go through so much together than by the end I was sold on their romance.

This shades light on a very important topic, while I have heard about Japan’s occupation of Korea and about comfort women and the horrific things that were done to them, I had never heard about the medical experiments performed on people by the Japanese. These events were depicted with a lot of care and, while the speculative element that was added was very compelling, it never took away from the horror of the real life events. The ending was sad and very confusing, but I’m looking forward to season 2.

My Demon (4 stars): I have to state the obvious, the two leads in this drama are so good looking that it was distracting. Also, they had fantastic chemistry and they were so cute together, their relationship was my favorite part of the show. There were also some memorable side characters. I really enjoyed the fantasy plot and how the shows slowly unravels more and more of the secrets and mysteries around the connection between the two main characters. But the plotline that revolved around the power struggle within the female leads family’s company wasn’t that interesting to me.

My Man is Cupid (4 stars): I started to watch this without any expectations, I just wanted another romance kdrama to watch and I was pleasantly surprise. The chemistry of the two main characters was really good. The plot revolves around cupids, reincarnation and a serial killer, and it was pretty compelling. Also, the love story was really angsty and beautiful. The romance between the side characters didn’t made sense to me and felt unnecessary, those were my least favorite parts of the show, but it was just a small part of the story. There were a couple minor details that are spoilers that I didn’t love but nothing that truly affected my overall enjoyment of the series.

The Story of Park’s Contract Marriage (3.5 stars): I loved the first few episodes, I was so invested and it was really funny watching the main character, who time travel from the past, learning about how everything works in the present. The main characters had solid chemistry and both actors delivered good performances. The plot was focused on the power struggles in a company, which I found compelling at first but then lost interest, and since the characters get together early on in the show, there wasn’t much keeping me engage. They were cute together but that wasn’t enough. The resolution of the company/grandfather storyline was silly and not in a good way and the resolution to the time travelling plotline was unexpected and bittersweet, in a good way. Overall, I was happy with how it ending and this was a good enough show.

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Watched in 2023 #11: the last one of the year! (Joy Ride, Lessons in Chemistry and more)

Hello everyone! I have been gone for the last week and a half because of work, I was busy trying to finish everything to be able to take this last week of the year off and with Christmas this past weekend things have been busy. But I’m glad to be here sharing my thoughts on the last few shows and movies I watched in 2023.

I’m trying to catch up with what I missed in the last week, so I’m posting my December reading wrap-up tomorrow and all my favorite, least favorite, anticipated releases posts are going up in the next couple of weeks.

Joy Ride (4.5 stars): It’s been a long time since I found a raunchy comedy to be actually funny and also as funny as Joy Ride was. I laughed so hard watching this. The cast was so good, everyone had great chemistry with each other, the characters were charismatic, and I loved the female friendships that developed during this film. Also, as with any good comedy, there were not only funny moments but also moments that pulled at my heartstrings.

A Man Called Otto (3.5 stars): This was good but it was not very memorable. It started a lot darker than I was expecting and the love story was devastating. I appreciated the way it talked about gentrification and the way the trans character was treated. There was a funny dynamic between a Hispanic couple which I enjoyed and in general, the best part of the movie was Otto’s relationship with the Hispanic family that lived next door. I think the problem with this movie is that it wasn’t heartfelt, it wasn’t charming, and it felt like something that I had seen before.

Exmas (3 stars): This was an okay holiday rom-com. I was expecting a little more. It was entertaining to see the main characters bickering and annoying each other, but the movie spends too much time on that and it doesn’t leave enough time for actual romantic scenes where we can understand why the characters should get back together, nonetheless, in the few romantic scenes that were included the two main actors had good chemistry with each other.

Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (5 stars): This was absolutely fantastic, Taylor put on such an amazing concert. Watching this in the theater with friends was such a magical experience I can’t even imagine how incredible it is to be able to see it live.

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Lessons in Chemistry (4.5 stars): I haven’t read the book this is based on but I really enjoyed this TV show. The performances by the entire cast were incredible, the romance was beautiful and devastating and it has two timelines and both were very engaging which is hard to manage. I was infuriated by all the sexism that the main character experienced and I was also devastated by the racism that the secondary characters went through, but I appreciated the depiction of how they fought against it. I wish the end was a bit more focused on the main character and the present timeline and not so much on the love interest and his past, but overall, I really enjoyed the entire show.

Doctor John (4 stars): There was a slow-burn romance that kept me hooked the entire time, the two protagonists had so much chemistry, the performances of the entire cast were great and the medical cases were really interesting. There are mysteries around both of the main characters’ pasts and they added an interesting element to the story, there were some interesting ethical discussions around those mysteries which I appreciated, and I really loved how both of them were there for each other once things were revealed. There was a very emotional storyline that made me cry, which I think was well handled. This was going to get a higher rating but while I liked the ending, I didn’t love the last episode and I think the time jump was unnecessaries. Also, this doesn’t affect my enjoyment of the show but I have to say that the main character in this show has the worst hair extensions that I have seen in a tv show.

Daily Dose of Sunshine (4 stars): This kdrama takes place in a mental ward in a hospital and I appreciated that it tried to explore different mental illnesses and humanize the people suffering from those illnesses. I don’t think it dealt with all of it perfectly but overall I felt it did a good job. Additionally, the performances from the cast and the guest actors that appeared in each episode were really good, and there were also a couple of sweet romances which added a bit of lightheartedness to a show that can be a heavy watch due to the subjects it covers.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Did you watched any movie or tv show that disappointed you in 2023?

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Watched in 2023 #10: Ted Lasso, The Princess Bride, OMITB, The Witcher and more

After running behind on this post for most of the year, I finally caught up!!!! I mean, almost caught up, I already watched 3 more things but those are going to go in the last Watched in 2023 post of the year.

For now, here are my thoughts about the movies, tv shows, and documentaries that I have watched lately:

To Catch a Killer (3 stars): It started strong, following the investigation was entertaining, the performances were good, and I was invested in the personal storylines of the characters. Nonetheless, the writing wasn’t the best, the ending had its shocking moments but I didn’t love it and I think it was a bit confusing, especially about the motives behind the whole thing.

The Princess Bride (4 stars): I finally watched this for the first time and it was not what I expected, it was a lot funnier, sillier and weirder than anything I could have imagined. I really liked that the way the movie looked (the set, the costumes, etc) felt like a children’s book coming to life. Mandy Patinkin as Indigo stole the show.

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Virgin River Season 5 (3.5 stars): This series fulfills a very specific need I have for cozy, small-town stories with lots of romance, lovable characters, and a good amount of angst (but since I know everything will work out I don’t have to really worry). I appreciate the way this has portrayed Mel’s struggles with infertility and I want to see where they go with that storyline. I do think this series sometimes feels a bit disjointed because there’s a storyline about drug dealers that doesn’t fit with the rest of the plot, but beyond that, I think it’s exactly what I need.

Ted Lasso Season 3 (4 stars): I liked a lot of things about this season, as always I loved the characters and the relationships between them, it was funny and there were the trademark heartfelt moments. But there were so many underdeveloped or disconnected plots, a lot of storylines felt rushed especially during the last couple of episodes and that ending was so unsatisfying.

The Witcher Season 3 (4 stars): I really liked this season, so many things were finally revealed and things are getting into place for what’s coming. I appreciate the way they have adapted the books and made some things clearer. I love Geralt and Yennifer together, so this was a great season for me because they had some great scenes, I also loved seeing Yennifer and Ciri get closer, and seeing the three together was lovely even if short-lived. Some of the secondary characters also got their chance to shine and play big parts in the story, which I enjoyed. I can’t believe that Henry Cavill won’t play Geralt anymore, he was the perfect Witcher.

Only Murders in the Building Season 3 (4 stars): Despite the amazing actors and performances this season, it wasn’t quite as good as the first season of the show maybe because there are points where the three main characters, with their dynamic that makes the show so special, are not working together and are a bit scattered. Nonetheless, it’s entertaining, the mystery keeps you guessing, and the amazing chemistry between the three leads is still there when they actually work together.

Sex and the City Seasons 1 – 6 (4 stars): This was my second time watching the entire series all the way through. I actually watched most of this earlier this year but at the beginning of season 5, I had to stop watching because I wasn’t enjoying it quite as much. Months later I finished the series and I definitely think that the first seasons are a lot stronger than the last. Season 6 took a detour that didn’t add that much to the show and that meant that the ending to a lot of characters and relationships that have been in the show from the beginning felt rushed. But overall, this show was refreshing and witty. The four main characters are compelling from the very beginning and the friendship between them makes this show feel so special.

Kelce (4 stars): I found this very compelling despite knowing almost nothing about American football. The Kelces seem very down-to-earth and honest in this, and it was fun to get a bit behind the scenes of how is the life of a high-level athlete, the family dynamic, and also the whole journey to the Super Bowl and to the face-off between the Kelce brothers.

Beckham (4 stars): I found this interesting because I realized that I didn’t know a lot of things about David Beckham, I didn’t know he was such a good player, and I had no idea of everything he went through after his first world cup and how badly he was treated. But that made me enjoy it more because I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what was going to happen. Also, they did a great job of using all the footage they had both from his career and his personal life, there were points where they had footage of specific moments and I kept wondering how. Honestly, despite all the clips I have seen on social media of him and Victoria, this docuseries is very much focused on his career and it was an entertaining watch.

Friends The Reunion (4 stars): I had this on my to-be-watch list since it came out and after Matthew Perry’s death, I finally decided it was time to watch it. I enjoyed this, it was entertaining and it was great to see all the cast together after all this time. But I kind of wish that there were fewer guests and games and more of just them reliving old times and revealing behind-the-scenes stories. There was some of that but I wanted more.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Have you watched any movie or tv show that really disappointed you in 2023?

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Watched in 2023 #8: The Summer I Turned Pretty, White, Red and Royal Blue and more

This year is almost over and I really need to catch up with my reviews of all the movies and tv shows I watched in 2023. Hopefully, I’ll manage to do it. For now, here are my thoughts on things I’ve watched lately, some of which surprisingly I did not end up enjoying.

Lost in Translation (2.5 stars): I had never watched this before and I had high expectations, but unfortunately, I didn’t end up enjoying this that much. Maybe because I dislike the main characters, so while I understand that it was a movie about loneliness and isolation, I couldn’t sympathize with two rich people wasting a trip to Japan moping around and kind of cheating on their partners. But mainly, I didn’t enjoy this because I hated the racist depiction of Japan and Japanese people, who were always the butt of the joke.

My Life as a Zucchini (4.5 stars): This made me cry so much. It’s a very emotional movie that deals with very heavy topics. It’s about kids in an orphanage who have gone through difficult situations and despite their pain and trauma are there for each other and become a family. It’s a thought-provoking, heavy movie with beautiful moments of tenderness and compassion.

Marie Antoinette (4 stars): I haven’t watched this in years and it’s still good. It’s fun and entertaining. The music, the pastel colors, the costumes, and the performances are all captivating. But my favorite things about it is that it does a good job of humanizing Marie Antoinette but also portraying her as a complex character, showing her loneliness, her naivete, her isolation, the fact that she was out of touch with the reality of the French people, that she was spoiled, self-absorbed and materialistic. Overall, I think this is well worth a watch and a re-watch as well.

Puppy Love (4 stars): This was surprisingly good. Lucy Hale and Grant Gustin have a lot of chemistry and it’s a solid romance movie. It had its funny moments, it was sweet and entertaining, and the dogs were adorable. I really appreciated that they included a representation of social anxiety and how much it can affect a person’s life, I think they did a really good job with that aspect.

Maybe I Do (2 stars): The cast of this movie is so impressive but this movie did not deserve it. It is unrealistic and boring, the writing in general but the jokes in particular are terrible, and it wasn’t romantic or sweet at all.

White, Red, and Royal Blue (3.5 stars): I had read and loved the book, so I don’t know why but I had a hard time suspending my disbelief about most things that happened in the movie even when they also happened in the book. Anyway, the implausibility of it all kept taking me out of the movie. Besides that, the main characters had good chemistry and they were cute together, the movie was entertaining, it had its funny moments, and there were some good side characters. Was it cringy? yes. Was it still fun and made me giggle? also yes

Make Me Believe (2.5 stars): I think this is the first Turkish movie I have ever watched and it was entertaining enough if you like to watch two hot people in a beautiful setting going from enemies to lovers. Also, there were cute grandmothers. Nonetheless, not a lot happens in terms of plot, the entire movie is predictable, I wanted more out of the romance because it’s mostly glances and very little communication, and the ending felt rushed.

The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1 and Season 2 (4 stars): I resisted as much as I could to watch this, but the Taylor and Steven edits on TikTok finally made me cave. This is actually really engaging, I was way too invested in the lives of teenagers, I was rooting for them but they also frustrated me, annoyed me, and confused me. Some of their choices make absolutely no sense. Most of the writing and performances were actually really good, and the soundtrack for every episode was fantastic.

Not Others (3.5 stars): This kdrama is about a complex mother/ daughter relationship, which is something I really enjoyed about it. It has a really good main romance between the daughter and her co-worker, it’s a slow burn, filled with tension, and kind of a dislike to like romance at least from the co-worker’s side. I definitely wanted more scenes between them. The storyline that revolved around her job as a cop is entertaining and the people she worked with were good side characters. The mother was a bit frustrating, especially in the way she put her daughter in a really awkward position when it came to her “father”. I didn’t love the romance between the parents, mainly because of the mom, but I didn’t hate it either.

Uncanny Counter Season 2 (3 stars): Unfortunately I found this season to be a bit boring, there were way too many fight scenes, the main storyline got repetitive at some points, and I really could not understand what the new character that was added to the team brought to the show, he was pretty useless and a bit annoying to me. Nonetheless, I did like the new villains and the dilemma that the protagonists were facing by having to fight someone they cared about. The whole “follow the rules vs do the right” conflict was well handled. I also enjoyed having the original cast back and I think each one individually had a powerful and emotional storyline this season.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Have you watched any movie or tv show that really disappointed you in 2023?

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Watched in 2023 #7: Barbie, Your Name, Paprika, King the Land and more

Today, I’m excited to share my thoughts on some of the things I have watched recentish, especially since I enjoyed most of them.

Barbie (4 stars): This is an entertaining movie, with great performances, humor that mostly lands, and a great soundtrack, that delivers some important messages even if they are a bit basic. What I appreciated the most about this movie is seeing so many women who look so different from each other being the focus of the movie, and the fact that it resonated with so many women, took some important messages to wider audiences and it started so many interesting conversations.

Dream (4.5 stars): This is a sweet, entertaining Korean movie with a lot of heart. It’s the perfect feel-good sports movie. While the tone is playful and quirky, it deals with serious issues like homelessness. The performances are good and the characters despite not being super likable are easy to root for. The final game made me suffer and had me at the edge of my seat as if it were a real game.

The Invisible Guardian (2.5 stars): This Spanish film has good performances, an effective rural, isolated, dark, and cloudy atmosphere is created, which is perfect for a crime movie, and it’s visually well done. But there are three distinct parts of the narrative that don’t feel well integrated at all: the traumatic past and complicated family dynamic of the main character, the crime aspect, and the fantastical elements. These disjointed narratives make the way the culprit of the crime is found feel way too convenient, and forced, like they took a shortcut.

The Tale of Princess Kaguya (4 stars): This movie has a beautiful and unique animation style that conveys so much emotion. It has complex characters and a story based on Japanese folklore, which is very compelling. It did a great job of capturing the mundane, the day-to-day, and making it captivating. This was a powerful movie about regret — at least, that’s how it felt to me — and it was the reason it resonated so much with me. I guess I saw it at just the perfect time. My only issue with this was the pacing during the first half of the movie; it was so slow.

Your Name (5 stars): The animation style is utterly beautiful, it has endearing characters, there’s a sweet romance, the story is emotionally engaging and the sci-fi plot is complex and a bit confusing at points, but incredibly captivating. I saw the twist coming but still, I enjoyed where the story went and I suffered with the characters and rooted for them until the end.

Paprika (4 stars): I have seen this described as a mind trip and it’s exactly that. A very weird, difficult-to-follow and understand, but captivating story. It’s visually impressive, and the imaginative but chaotic plot is perfectly captured in the animation style. Moreover, the way it’s animated brings to life the ever-shifting and arbitrary world this takes place in.

Sweet Magnolias Season 3 (3.5 stars): I don’t know if this season the writing was worse or if I was paying more attention, but it was painfully bad. Also, the acting of the guy playing Cal was as bad as it has been in every season. Nonetheless, I’m really invested in Annie and Tyler, and I can’t wait to see how their relationship evolves. I love the friendship between the three main characters, and the way the conflict between them was explored this season was very well done. Overall, I love the “small town where everyone knows each other” vibe, all the little dramas and the angst, and the fact that I know everything is going to turn out okay while I’m watching. So, definitely not a good show but good enough.

King the Land (4 stars): This was a funny, cute, lighthearted show. I loved the main romance, they were so adorable together and it was refreshing seeing them communicate and trust each other no matter what. The romance between the secondary characters was also really sweet and the only thing I didn’t appreciate was the fact that one of the main character’s friends stayed with her husband who is the worst and kept being the worst until the end. There wasn’t much plot and the little mystery that revolved around the main character’s mother got solved relatively easily. The complicated family dynamics and even the “evil” sister plot ended up having an interesting resolution. Overall, it was a fun show to watch.

See You in My 19th Life (4 stars): The performances are really good, the characters are endearing and the two romances are angsty but sweet. While the first few episodes are entertaining due to the interesting premise of the show, the truth is not a lot happens plot-wise, which causes some pacing issues because the “true” plot starts way too late, so the resolution felt rushed. Beyond that, there are some side plots throughout the show that are resolved way too easily and that lack impact. Overall, the show is more focused on the romances and the cool premise that revolves around remembering past lives, which makes it a fun and captivating show, but the plot is given less importance and the show suffers a bit for it.

Revenant (4 stars): This was creepy and atmospheric and I loved the way mythology was integrated into this horror show. Kim Tae-ri did a fantastic job playing her character as well as the evil spirit that possessed her, watching her switch between both characters was impressive. Overall, all the performances were really good. Visually the show was dark but vibrant and that fit the story really well.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Have you watched any movie or tv show that really disappointed you in 2023?

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Watched in 2023 #6: Little Mermaid, Doctor Cha, While You Were Sleeping and more

Hi friends! I say this every time I start one of these posts but it’s still true: I’m so behind with these reviews. Today I’m sharing my thoughts on some of the things I watched a couple months ago. Still, I’m happy to share them with you, especially since I really enjoyed some of them.

What’s Love Got to Do With It? (4.5 stars): I always enjoy watching Lily James on my screen, she is such a captivating actress. The main characters didn’t have tons of chemistry, but I liked their relationship and there was enough tension especially mid-way through the movie which made the romance believable. There was some very interesting exploration of conflicts between cultures but also between different views within a specific culture, which I really appreciated and it was my favorite part of the movie. There were some unrealistic parts of this when it came to Zoe’s work as a filmmaker, but that wasn’t the point to me so I just let it go.

Little Mermaid (3 stars): I wanted to love this, I even went to the theater to watch it. But there were some issues with the choices they made in terms of translating this from an animated movie to live action. Some of the animations, ie Sebastian, were terrible, and some of the attempts to recreate scenes exactly like they were in the animated movie, ie Ariel on top of the rock, didn’t work and looked weird. Nonetheless, I liked the performances, the songs, and some of the romantic scenes, especially the one on the boat, which were beautiful. But overall, this was just ok for me.

Dr. Romantic Season 3 (4.5 stars): The thing I LOVE about this series is the characters and their relationships and this season delivers in terms of those two things, while also having some interesting cases and patients to keep the plot captivating. There were so many incredible moments between the main couple, Eun Jae and Woo Jin, and between the side couple, Eun Tak and Ah Reum. They had good times and hard times this season and I was invested. The performances were fantastic from the entire cast, even secondary characters that have been there from season 1 got their time to shine, which I really appreciated. The episodes about the building collapse were incredible. Overall, it was a very strong season.

Doctor Cha (4 stars): This was so entertaining to watch. It has a sympathetic main character, a villain that is easy to hate, and supporting characters that steal the show. I loved seeing the journey of self-discovery of the main character throughout the show, how she goes after what she wants (being a doctor) and starts to live her life as she wants after a long time of not doing so. I also appreciated that the show explored a lot of the side characters’ perspectives and journies as well, and while some of them were very frustrating and pretty terrible people, the show allowed them moments of honesty that made them feel more realistic. Despite dealing with some hard topics and moments, the show manage to keep a lighthearted and humorous tone throughout that kept it entertaining. Also, the side romance was so cute, it kept me invested.

While You Were Sleeping (4 stars): This series had a captivating premise – people who can see the future in their dreams – which was executed really well. The format of the show meant that the episodes usually ended in cliffhangers and it worked so well, I was always intrigued and it made it hard to stop watching. While the overarching plot was really good, the case of the week part of the show wasn’t that memorable but that didn’t affect my enjoyment of the show at all when I was watching it. The performances, in general, were very good. I loved the relationships between the characters, that was the best thing about the show: the romance, friendships, and family relationships.

Joseon Attorney (3.5 stars): The performances by the two main actors were outstanding and their chemistry was captivating, it was the main reason I kept watching. The relationships between all of the characters were heartwarming, I really liked the bromance that formed by the end. Overall, the legal cases were interesting, but it felt like most of them were resolved similarly and easily, which meant after the first few episodes I wasn’t really that intrigued by that aspect of the show. A whole storyline about the main character’s sister was introduced too late and the resolution was rushed. Nonetheless, this was an easy watch that was entertaining enough thanks to the chemistry between characters.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Have you watched any movie or tv show that really disappointed you in 2023?

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Watched in 2023 (#4): Dungeons and Dragons, Murder Mystery 2, Taxi Driver and more

Hi friends! I’m really sad that I have not been able to consistently post the last few months, but I’m doing the best I can while having a full-time job and other obligations. So this is really late, I’m so behind in talking about the shows and movies I have watched in 2023 (I still have 13 things that I’ve watched but haven’t reviewed) but I’ll do my best to catch up.

Dungeons and Dragons (3.5 stars): I have never played the game but I have always been curious so I decided to give the movie a go, and I found it a fun and entertaining adventure movie. Some of the things I appreciated the most are the visually stunning and vibrant universe and the charismatic characters who were played very well by the cast. There could have been a bit more depth to some of the characters and certain things felt rushed or underdeveloped in terms of motivations and plot, but overall, it was a good enough movie.

Murder Mystery 2 (3 stars): I enjoyed this a lot more than the first (which it’s not saying much!), because I went into it with the right expectations. This is an over-the-top, silly, absurd movie that it’s fun to watch if you don’t think too hard about what’s happening. The humor lands sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t, but Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston’s chemistry makes up for a lot.

My Masterpiece (4 stars): This is an Argentinian movie that I ended up really enjoying. I’ll start by saying that the main character- before he lost his memory- was the absolute worst, he was a sexist, self-important, art snob. He gets less insufferable after he loses his memory. But I have to admit that since he comes on screen, he is absolutely hilarious. Honestly, the black humor in this is really good and one of the stronger elements of the film. Another one is the exploration of a male friendship, especially since it’s two older men who are friends. This friendship, which was flawed and toxic most of the time, but also full of real care for one another, was the backbone of the movie and it presented a very complex and interesting portrait of it. I don’t want to spoil the plot, so I’ll just say that my main complaint is that the ending, while a realistic version of what would happen in a capitalist society, seems to accept and embrace to a certain point the evil of capitalism instead of condemning it.

Taxi Driver Season 1 (4 stars): This kdrama caused me a lot of moral dilemmas but I ended up liking where it went by the end. The plot is so compelling and I enjoyed following two groups of characters that seem to be on opposite sides but end up having to work together. For me, the strength of the group of main characters who have such a tragic backstory even if you wouldn’t realize that at first glance. They are easy to root for, the chemistry between the main cast is amazing, and the performances are outstanding.

Taxi Driver Season 2 (4 stars): I liked the plot of season 1 more and I missed one of the main characters from the first season who didn’t come back. But overall I enjoyed season 2 more due to the character development of the main cast and the development of the relationship between the main characters. I’m anxiously waiting for season 3 because my ship flirted this entirety season and it almost, kind of, sort of sailed by the end of the season, I mean, they gave us a scene that it’s up for interpretation and I’m choosing to believe.

Unlock My Boss (3.5 stars): I started watching this because I like the actor who plays the main character, and I wasn’t expecting to absolutely adore the found family at the heart of this show. I loved the two main characters, their relationship, and the way they were there for each other and slowly started to like each other. I also loved the relationship that all the characters had with the little girl, and how they were all concerned for her and trying to be there for her. Another thing I wasn’t expecting was to like one of the side characters so much and the heartbreak that came with that. Honestly, a lot of unexpected things happened, the big plot twist at the end was so shocking but also sad. Overall, it was an entertaining show.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Have you watched any movie or tv show this year that really disappointed you?

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Watched in 2023 #2: Your Place or Mine, Emily in Paris, Love to Hate You and more

I have been in the mood for romance-centric entertainment lately, which will be obvious by this post as well as my March reading wrap-up, which is coming next week. I don’t think that mood is going away soon, so I’m happy to talk about the rom-coms (both movies and tv shows) I have watched and I also want to ask you for your recommendations of recently released ones that you enjoyed.

Without further ado, here are my thoughts on the movies and tv shows I have watched recently:

About Fate (3.5 stars): I always love Emma Roberts’ acting in rom-coms, and she was as captivating as always in this movie, she had great chemistry with Thomas Mann, which is basically all I ask for when it comes to this type of movie. This is absolutely predictable and full of cliches but that was exactly what I was expecting and I enjoyed it. Plus, there were some funny moments. The main thing I didn’t love is that the main guy is in a relationship with someone else the entire time, but they are wrong for each other, so…

Your Place or Mine (3 stars): This isn’t bad, and a big reason why is that Resses Whetherspoon and Ashton Kutcher are barely together in it, because unfortunately, the rumors are true (at least in my opinion), they have zero chemistry. But also, I feel like this wasn’t better because it wasn’t a true rom-com, they are BARELY TOGETHER and the ending when they get together was rushed. Still, I did like both characters and their separate storylines.

Alis: I don’t feel good giving this a rating, it was a very hard-hitting, thought-provoking, touching documentary, that very clearly showed the reality of girls living in group homes in Colombia after living in the streets and having to experience things like violence, sex work, and drugs. A group of girls creates a fictional character and, through her, they describe the reality but also the dreams of girls like them. I think the exercise is very valuable, but I was a bit worried while watching about how much the girls understood what it means to participate in this project because they were using a fictional character, but sometimes they forgot and it was obvious that they talking about themselves (e.g. one of them described her first time having sex). I found out that the girls had psychological support, so I feel a bit less worried, but I’m still not completely comfortable.

Emily in Paris – Season 3 (4 stars): This show fulfills a very particular need for me, the need of an easy-to-watch, ridiculous, entertaining show full of messy characters and lots of drama. I had so much fun watching this, even if there were silly moments, unrealistic storylines, and mediocre dialogue at some points.

Love to Hate You (3.5 stars): the two main characters had so much chemistry and I enjoyed seeing their relationship progress from dislike to like. The side characters were also great and I liked them together, even if their romance was a bit rushed. Also, the bromance in this was fantastic. Overall, it was a funny, a little silly, easy-to-watch show with good performances and a good romance, which I was looking for. Nonetheless, the feminist angle that they were trying to incorporate missed the mark for so many reasons (e.g. the “strong” woman who uses her fist instead of her law degree, the ex-boyfriend having to come to rescue her at the end, and more)

What have you been watching recently? Do you have any movie or tv show recommendations?

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