My Most Read Authors

Most Read Authors

I made a post like this 3 years ago for a Top Ten Tuesday post, I was shocked to realize how much time has it been! Sometimes I forget that this blog has been on WordPress for a little over 1 year, but it was actually on blogger for like 2 years before that.

On that post I actually made a list of 14 authors because there was a tie between several of them, but this time I chose only 9. From those 9, 7 were in the old post. This list was really interesting for me to make even if it remained similar to the one I made 3 years ago because it allowed me to think about the ways my reading has changed and why is not reflected on this list.

Before talking about the things I learned from writing this post, here are my 9 most read authors:

Penny Reid (16 books)

She is the only author on this list that is a recent discovery, it has NOT been a year since I read the first book written by her and she managed to be my most read author of all times! I’m shocked! I have read the complete Knitting in the City series (7 books + 3 novellas that are full lenght books), the Winston Brothers series (4 books so far) and 2 books in the Rugby series in which she is a co-author.

Penny Reid

Richelle Mead (14 books):

It’s been almost three years since the last time I read a book by Richelle Mead, but when I was an avid fan I managed to read the complete Vampire Academy series (6 books), the complete Bloodlines series (6 books) and 2 books in the Georgina Kindcaid series.

Richelle Mead

Krista & Becca Ritchie (13 books):

I have read the Addicted series (3 books + 2 novellas that are full lenght books), the Calloway Sisters Series (5 books) and the Like Us series (3 books so far). I actually see these books as part of one long series because all of them are about different characters in the same family. I really like their characters and I’m so attached to them that I will keep reading as many books as they publish in this series.


Cassandra Clare (11 books):

She is one of the few authors on this list that I started to read her books a long time ago and I’m still reading them. I have read The Mortal Instruments (6 books) ,The Infernal Devices (3 books), 1 book of The Dark Artifices and The Tales of the Shadowhunters Academy.

Cassandra Clare

J.K. Rowling (10 books): 

If I counted all the times I have reread Harry Potter, she would be my most read author but that’s not how this works. I have read the Harry Potter series ( 7 books) and the Cormoran Strike series (3 books so far).

jk rowling

Rick Riordan (10 books):

I read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (5 books) and then The Heroes of Olympus series (5 books) a long time ago and then I stopped reading his books because the other ones haven’t grabbed my attention.

Rick Riordan

Sarah J. Maas (9) 

I love her books even when I try not to. I have read 6 books in the Throne of Glass series and 3 books in the Court of Thorns and Roses. I’m waiting impatiently for the next books in both series. 

Sarah J Maas

Abbi Glines (7):

I haven’t read a book by her in 4 years, but there was a time when I was planning to read every single one of her books. I read 1 book in the Too Far series, 3 books in the Sea Breeze series and 2 books in The Vincent Boys series.

Abbie Glines

Jennifer Estep (7):

I read one series by her and it’s the Mythos Academy series, which I read almost 5 years ago. There are 6 books in the series and I also read 1 of the novellas that is a full lenght book.

Jennifer Estep

Things I learned from this:

  1. Some of the authors on this list are on it because I read series by them YEARS AGO, I think there’s so few new authors in it because I have been reading more standalones than series and that means that I read more authors but less books of each one of them.
  2. The new authors that made it into the list are new adult/ romance authors and I think that reflects a change in my reading. I have been reading a lot more new adult/romance than fantasy. I still love fantasy but I have been in a slump when it comes to reading it.
  3.  The fact is that fantasy books are almost always part of a series and the fact that I’m reading less fantasy, also explains why I’m reading more standalones and less series.
  4. Another thing is that I read new adult/ romance books that are part of series, but I’ll only  continue with a series of those genres if the first book is really good. A lot of times I only read the first book, maybe that’s why there’s not more authors of those generes on the list.
  5. I have also tried to read more diversely and I’m more aware of the diverse books coming out lately, which means I end up reading a lot of debut authors that write diverse books, so that also explains why I have only read 1 book from a lot of the authors that I have read lately.
  6. One of the things that remained constant is that I read mainly female authors and that is reflected on this list.
Who are your most read authors? Have you read books by any of the authors I mentioned?  Tell me in the comments! 

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6 thoughts on “My Most Read Authors

  1. So many interesting insights about your reading habits and how they have changed. I don’t even know which are my most read authors, hahah! Something tells me I should check out Penny Reid 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! When I started to write the post I didn’t think I was gonna find out so many things about my reading. The plan was just to make a list of the author and that was it, but when I saw that the list didn’t reflect my reading now, I felt like I needed to talk about it a little bit.

      If you like romance books, you should definitely give Penny Reid a chance!

      Liked by 1 person

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