Fantasy Series I’m in the Middle of: Should I Keep Reading Them?!

Fantasy Series I'm in the Middle of

Recently, I went through my Goodreads shelves and I made a list of some fantasy series that I started but I didn’t read the sequels or I haven’t read all the books in the series that have been published. On this list, I have 4 fantasy series that I know for sure I want to catch up on and then there’s 6 fantasy series that I’m not sure if I want to continue reading, so I thought you could help me decide what to do with those 6 series by giving me your opinions and tell if they are worth finishing or not.

The series I’m sure I want to catch up on: 

An Ember in The Ashes Series by Sabaa Tahir

The third book in this series came out recently and there was a whole promotional campaing, so this series has been EVERYWHERE. I really enjoyed the first book, An Ember in the Ashes, I found the brutal and violent world fascinating, I really cared for the characters and I was scared the entire time of something horrible happening to them. I didn’t read the second book, A Torch Against the Night, right after finishing the first one because the realese date for the third book was so far away. Now that the third book is finally out, I can’t wait to continue with this series.

The Diviners Series  by Libba Bray

I read the first book in this series, The Diviners, a few months ago and I really enjoyed it, it’s one of my favorite books of the year so far. The different paranormal aspects of the story, the mystery, the spooky scenes and the characters intrigued me a lot and made me love the first book. I’m currently reading the second book in the series, Lair of Dreams and I’m really enjoying it as well. I’m planning on reading the third book before the end of the year and then I’ll have to wait who know’s how long for the next book in the series 😭

The Dark Artificies Series by Cassandra Clare

I really liked Lady Midnight, the first book in this series. I enjoyed being back in the shadowhunters world, I  liked the new set of characters and I loved learning more about the fey, which I find fascinating. I have heard nothing but great things about the sequel, Lord of Shadows, but I have been nervous to read it and I’m not sure why. I hope to read it before the third book comes out in December.

A Song of Ice and Fire Series by George R.R. Martin

I have said this before, I’m always in awe of the world building in the books in this series; the amount of details in terms of hystory, family trees, religions and so much more is mindblowing. Also, there’s so many complex and captivating characters that I can’t help but root for most of them even when they are in completely opposite sides of what’s going on. I have been reading this series slowly because the books are HUGE, but I finally finished book four last month and I’m looking forward to reading the fifth book, even if I’m nervous the sixth book is never gonna be realesed 😕

The series I’m not sure if I want to continue reading or not: 

These are the series that I want to know your opinions on, should I keep reading them? Are they worth finishing? Let me know what you think!

Poison Study Series by Maria V. Snyder

I read Poison Study at the beginning of 2018 and I think it was ok (I gave it 3,8 stars), I really liked most of the characters, but there was nothing unique about it and it was easy to tell it was an older ya fantasy book and that a lot of books have replicated what this book did since then. Nonetheless, I’m still curious about this one and I have been wondering lately if I should continue this series even if I think it’s gonna be similar to things I have read before. Is this series too similar to other YA Fantasy series? Does this series have unique elements? Is it worth reading even if it’s similar to other series? 

The Witchlands Series by Susan Dennard

I LOVED Truthwitch, the first book in this series, because of its complex magic system and world building and the amazing characters. Once the second book, Windwitch, came out, I got it and started to read it inmediately, but after reading a few pages I was not enjoying it at all. I don’t know if it wasn’t the right time to read it or if I should have read a bit more pages or what. I loved the first book enough to give the rest of the series another chance, but I do want to know if you think it’s worth it or not.  Is the rest of the series as good as the first book? Does the series go downhill after the first book? 

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series by Laini Taylor

When I read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, the first book in the series, I really enjoyed Laini Taylor’s writing and I was fascinated with the world she had created. Nonetheless, the romance in the book put me off of reading the rest of the trilogy, because it was so insta-lovey and I didn’t like Akiva, the love interest, that much. I’m still really intrigued about the world and it’s not like I didn’t like the first book, I gave it 4 stars, but I’m not sure if I liked it enough to suffer through the romance. Does the romance get better in the rest of the series?  Should I continue reading the series even if I didn’t like the romance?

Falling Kingdoms Series by Morgan Rhodes

Falling Kingdom is the lowest rated book I included in this list, I gave it 3,5 stars. I had a lot of trouble with the first half of this book, I found it boring and I even stopped for two month halfway through before finishing the book. I didn’t like any of the characters and some of the relationships made me uncomfortable. But the world left me intrigued and even when I finished the book and I thought it wasn’t that good, I was still interested in reading the rest of the story. Do you think the next books get better? Or are they really similar to the first book? Do the characters develop in the other books of the series? 

The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss

I enjoyed The Name of the Wind a lot when I read it, but then I check out the second book in this series from the library three times in the last few years and I haven’t read it. I don’t know what is it – maybe the fact that it’s so long or maybe it’s because the third book isn’t out yet and we don’t know when it’s coming out- but I haven’t been able to read this. I feel like I have forgotten a lot of things about the first book and that worries me because I think I’m gonna feel lost while reading the other books in the series. Is the second book good? Should I read it now or wait until the release date for the third book is announced? 

Brooklyn Brujas Series by Zoraida Córdova

I liked the first book in this series, Labyrinth Lost, because the premise and the characters were wonderful. I was interested in the second book of the series until I found out it is a companion novel, it follows other characters within this world and a totally different premise. I’m not sure what to feel about that and my excitement to read the second book, Bruja Born, has declined a lot.  If anyone has read it, is the second book as good as the first? Do we see the characters from the other book? 

Please let me know your opinions about these series! Are they worth finishing?

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26 thoughts on “Fantasy Series I’m in the Middle of: Should I Keep Reading Them?!

  1. I’m not a much of a fantasy reader so I’m not the best person to give advise. However, I read The first four books of the Falling Kingdom series and honestly, they were just okay. BUT, I love the characters and their developement so if you are a character driven>plot reader, then maybe keep going?!? But again, it does drag. Lucia is trash so I struggle to find the motivation to pick up the next book lol.

    As for Poison Study, I personally like the first two books but haven’t felt motivated to pick up the rest so that should tell you something.

    Again, I’m not a fantasy reader and I haven’t actually completed many of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like character driven books much more than plot driven ones, but I’m not sure I like any of the characters in the FK series enough to keep reading. I was considering continuing because someone told me the characters go through a lot of development, but I’m thinking it’s not worth it 😕


    1. I’m so confused about this series, it’s the one most people have commented on and everyone is commenting completely different things. But the fact that so many people have something to say about it, it’s making me want to keep reading it and see what I think.

      Thanks for the comment! 💗

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Awww, I haven’t read any of those so I can’t be of much help >-< I'll just read the comments and see which ones I might read 😛 (I have several of those on my TBR, hehe)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. god i really need to finish the diviners series! i also only read the first book, like u, but unlike u i havent even started the second one………… not that i have a reason for that lmao
    i kinda feel the same way abt bruja born, i also had no idea it’s actually just a companion novel. i mean, i guess i still want to read it but it’s not that high on my list,,,,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually finished reading Lair of Dreams yesterday and it was so good! I can’t wait to read book 3 and I hope you continue with the series soon! 🙂
      I have very similar feeling about Bruja Born, I think I will read it eventually, but it’s not high on my list.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. oooh im so happy to hear that!! i should probably bump it on my tbr before i forget every single thing abt the diviners lmao

        Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s so funny, the first 3 series on your ‘I’m not sure if I want to carry on with them’ list are exactly aligned with what I’m thinking. 🙂 I am giving up on the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series as those flashbacks really didn’t work for me and the second book, which I did not finish by the way, is full of them. Many people love it but it’s just not for me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was hoping the second book in the DOSAB series was a bit different after what happened at the end in book 1. The flashbacks were not my favorite thing about book 1 and I thought there would be less of them in book 2, but I didn’t hate them. I still don’t know what to do with this one 😕.

      Thanks for taking the time to answer! 💗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sometimes books are just not meant to be. I find that I can sometimes finish books a while later after not finishing them as I am in a different mood. My motto is: never say never. 😉😂 Happy reading. 📚💕

        Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so good to hear, since the romance in the series is my main concern. I think I’ll give the second book a chance to see if I like the different vibe that you mentioned. Thanks for the recommendation! 💗


  5. I liked but didn’t love Labyrinth Lost, and I loved Bruja Born. It’s about Alex’s older sister, Lula, and Alex is still a relevant character (Nova too, in a way). Bruja Born is just as atmospheric as the first book, but it’s darker and it feels more mature.
    Falling Kingdoms does get a bit better but for me it wasn’t worth it, and I’ve heard it goes downhill again after the fourth book.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. These are some cool series! I’ve read book 2 in the Ember in the Ashes series and loved it so I think you’re making the right decision by pursuing that one. I’m also a huge Cassandra Clare fan and can’t wait for the next book in the Lady Midnight series. As for the series you’re not so sure about, I absolutely love Laini Taylor’s writing. I think the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series is definitely worth finishing. I haven’t read the second book in the Labyrinth Lost series but I intend I guess I can’t really comment on that one. But I hope you enjoy reading the books in these series! Good luck finishing them! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so excited to read the next book in the An Ember in the Ashes series, as well as the next one in the Lady Midnight series. I have heard nothing but good things.

      I think I’m finishing the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, because so many people have commented about it, good things and bad things, that I’m really curious now. I hope I enjoy the other books in the series.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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