Watched in 2023 (#3): Shadow and Bone, The White Lotus, Crash Course in Romance and More

I’m so behind on this Watched in 2023 posts, which is weird because I feel like I haven’t been watching that many things in 2023, but I guess that’s not entirely true. This time, I’m particulary excited to talk about some tv shows that I was highly anticipating.

The White Lotus Season 2 (3,5 stars): it took me a while to get into this, I was not engaged while watching the first couple of episodes and I even thought about not continuing with it. But in the end, while it wasn’t as good as season 1 to me, I ended up enjoying it. Part of the problem was that this time I didn’t find anyone particularly likable, and I didn’t find it easy to root for anyone. But I got over that, and I realized that what makes this series so interesting is that the characters are clever caricatures, they are all complex, not good or bad. I especially enjoyed the storyline with the two married couples, which depicts different types of power, cheating, and gender roles in relationships, because it was the storyline that shocked me the most and left me thinking. In terms of the twist at the end, I saw it coming but it was still bizarre and it didn’t entirely make sense.

Shadow and Bone Season 2 (4 stars): I had a bit of a hard time getting into this at first, the pacing was a bit off during the first few episodes, and I think it had to do with the fact that Alina and Mal’s storyline and the Crows storyline felt so disjointed in those episodes. I understand they wanted to keep part of the original plot of the Six of Crows duology but it made no sense with the general plot of the series and they ended up rushing through Kaz’ storyline and it lacked the emotional depth that it had in the book. Once the “made-up” storyline for the Crows started, the series flowed more naturally. Beyond that, the series was entertaining, I didn’t mind the changes they made to the plot of the books because I felt that it made the series more cohesive, the acting was SO GOOD, the character development was great, Inej and Kaz were fantastic and had some incredible scenes from the books, and the cliffhanger ending was great (if we get another season, if not, it sucks). The one thing I didn’t love about the ending was what happened between Mal and Alina, they made me like them which I didn’t in the books, and then that ending was kind of dumb.

Crash Course in Romance (3,5 stars): I’m not sure how to talk about this kdrama because I overall had a good time watching it but I had a couple of issues. The two main things that bother me were: 1) that they kept trying to pretend that the main female character was this young woman raising a daughter and that she looked so young, when the actress looks her age (she is in her 50s) which is not bad at all, but the fact that they kept talking about how young she looked took me out of the story because it was obviously not true. 2) While the love story was sweet, I didn’t feel any chemistry between the two leads. 3) the romance that came out of nowhere at the end between the main character’s brother and her best friend felt forced. Still, there are so many things I enjoyed about this. The performances of the lead actors and the rest of the cast were amazing. The storyline revolving the daughter and the two guys that liked her and in general her slow-burn romance with one of the guys was so sweet and fun to watch. I also really appreciated the depiction of the academic pressure that teens in Korea have to face and how toxic the mothers obsessed with their children’s grades are. In general, the impact on teens’ mental health of all this academic pressure was well depicted.

Broker (4 stars): Great performances, a very unlikely and messy found family that it was easy to feel invested in, morally ambiguous characters, emotional plot, and a thought-provoking look at the cyclical nature of socio-economical vulnerability. The climax at the end felt rushed and the epilogue wasn’t my favorite, but overall, a touching and tender film.

What Have I Done to Deserve This? (4 stars): I think Almodovar has created his own genre of movies of women killing men that have been shitty to them by accident and then chaotically dealing with it, and I LOVE it. Honestly, this movie is funny, bizarre, very random at some points, and above everything CHAOTIC. My main issue with this was the casual pedophilia, which added nothing to the story and wasn’t really addressed all that much, it was just there.

What movies or tv shows have you loved lately? Have you watched any movie or tv show that really disappointed you in 2023?

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What I’ve Been Watching #5: Shadow and Bone, Vincenzo, Crazy Rich Asians and more

Hi everyone! Before getting into the post there’s something I need to talk about. As I mentioned in my last post my country, Colombia, is going through a very difficult situation. Protests over rising poverty, unemployment and inequality have been met with police brutality, there has been 3405 cases of police brutality, 43 people killed by the police, 1445 arbitrary arrest, 22 victims of sexual assault by the police, and there are hundreds of missing protestors. This has all happened since April 28th when the protests started and things are getting worse since the president ordered a full military deployment in the major cities. Please pay attention to what’s happening in Colombia, citizens are being mudered and terrorized by the police, the army and the government, human rights are being violated and there’s no end in sight.

Here’s more information about what’s going on: video and article â€“ article â€“ article â€“ article â€“ video â€“ video

Now let’s talk about some of the things I have watched lately. Honestly, I’m really behind with the “what I’ve been watching” posts, because I haven’t been blogging or reading with everything that has been going on in Colombia, and watching things has become my main escape, so you can expect a few of these posts in the future.

Without further ado, let’s talk about some tv shows and movies:

Shadow and Bone

I really enjoyed this show, the beginning was a bit slow for me, but the second part was SO GOOD. I really liked Alina in the show, which surprised me since I never felt any particular attachment to her while reading the books, she is strong and captivating in the show. But the biggest surprise of all is that Mal was actually one of my favorite characters (if not my favorite) in the show even tho I always disliked him in the books. Also, I really like him with Alina in the show, so far they are my favorite ship. I was expecting The Darkling to be more mysterious and scarier, but they humanized him a bit too much, especially when it came to his relationship with the other Grisha. Nonetheless, I liked Ben Barnes performance. Overall I liked the crows, and Jasper was fantastic. I felt like something was missing from the portrait of Kaz, some of the depth of the character was missing, but I recognize that he is a hard character to adapt since his internal monologue is lost from books to screen. In terms of plot, I found the beginning with all the setup to be a tiny bit boring, but it does pick up and by the second half of the show I could stop watching. The two things that didn’t really work are the Nina/Matthias storyline, which didn’t feel integrated with the rest of the story, and the half-assed attempt of including diversity in the story by making Alina Asian and handling badly. (rating: 4 stars)


This show is fantastic, it has great writing, it’s very well shot and it has an engaging storyline of taking justice into your own hands and a villanous character fighting this big evil corporation with the help of a lawyer and a big assortment of random side characters. The characters in this show are all well developed, there are so many side characters and you feel like you get to know them and all the actors did an amazing job. The two leads in particular are brilliant in their roles, Song Joong-Ki was captivating in his role as Vincenzo, he managed to be dark and charming at the same time, and Jeon Yeo-Been is incredible playing a character that is cool and badass at times and other times is goofy and funny and she does both things so well. The chemistry between the two leads is amazing and the tension between them just builds and builds throughout the show until it pays off. The way that relationship slowly progresses is amazing.(rating: 5 stars)

Crazy Rich Asians

This was a rewatch for me and I found this movie as fun and as entertaining the second time around. I love getting to see the world of the rich and famous with the unique twist that they are not white Americans. The way this movie shows the different social and cultural dynamics and the way it shows Singapore was fantastic. The acting in this movie is amazing, everyone does an amazing job. I liked the main storyline revolving around the romance between Nick and Rachel and all the conflicts because of their different backgrounds, but it was definitely the weakest part of the film. Singapore as a setting and the storyline revolving around Astrid and her failing marriage definitely stole the show and made the film more enjoyable. (Rating 4,5 stars)

The Spy Who Dumped Me

I love Mila Kunis and this movie was on Netflix, so I decided to watch this fully believing it was going to be terrible, but surprisingly it wasn’t. This is really funny, it mocks a lot of common spy movie tropes, and don’t get me wrong, it was absolutely ridiculous, but it worked because it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Mila and Kate Mckinnon are fantastic in their roles, their chemistry is great and they are hilarious together. Sam Heughan in this is good too and Gillian Anderson was the cherry on top of the whole movie. (rating: 3,5 stars)

Off Course

This is a Spanish movie and I watched it because my favorite Spanish actress, Blanca Suárez, plays the main character in it. I went into this movie with the wrong expectations, I thought this was going to be a great romactic movie and it was not. The two characters are barely together at all throughout the film, but by the end, thee movie treated their relationship like a big love affair. Also, it’s kind of boring, the characters are unlikable and do a lot of stupid things, and the plot goes nowhere. The only good thing about this movie is its portrait of one type of immigrant experience lived by this egocentric Spanish man that needs to learn some hard lessons. Through the movie he struggles for money in another country, without speaking the language and having people depending on him financially back home, it does a good job of showing some of the humilliations and hardships of the immigrant experience, and it’s self aware enough to recognize that the way the main character is being treated as a Spanish man in Germany, it’s how Spanish people hve always treated Latinx people who immigrate to Spain. (rating: 1.5 stars)

What have you watched lately? What’t the best show or movie you have watched so far in 2021?

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Upcoming Book to Screen Adaptations that I’m Looking Forward To | Blogmas Day 5

Hi everyone! It’s blogmas day 5 and I wanted to talk about 2021 book to screen adaptations. Unfortunately, with everything that it’s going on, I’m not sure if these adaptations are actually going to be release in 2021. Usually we would have trailers for most of this shows and movies by now, but we only have trailers for three of them, so I feel like everything is very uncertain.

Because of that, I decided to do a more general post where I talk about upcoming adaptations, some that may or may not come out in 2021 and a some that I’m pretty sure are NOT coming out in 2021, but that I wanted to mention because I’m really excited for them.

Without further ado, here are the book to screen adaptations that I’m looking forward to:

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

This adaptations is the one I feel more certain is coming out in 2021, since the trailer just dropped this week. This book was one of the first books that got recommended to me when I joined the community like 8 years ago, even before I started blogging, and it sat on my tbr for years until I finally decided to be honest with myself, I’m never going to read this book. But I saw the trailer for the movie and it looks really good and it has a great cast, so I’ll give it a chance.

Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han

This movie is already filmed, so I think we are getting it in 2021, but you never know. I only read book one in this series and I have no interest in reading the other two books, nonetheless, I have watched the first two movies – I really liked the first one and I thought the second one was meh- and I obviously want to watch the last one.

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I started this book last month and I was kind of disappointed, I still need to finish it and I’ll probably do it before the end of the year, but I was expecting a lot more. Nonetheless, I think the story will make a great series and I like the cast, so I’ll give this a chance.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

This show has already filmed all the episodes, so I’m prettu sure we are getting it in 2021 and I CAN’T WAIT!! I read the original Grisha Triology and also the Six of Crows duology, and I really want to see how they adapted those books. I’ll try to read King of Scars before the show comes out.

Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty

I really need to read this book! I really liked Big Little Lies when I read it and I enjoyed the tv adaptation so much, so I’m excited for this new adaptation. I want to read Nine Pefect Strangers before the series comes out, I think I’m really going to enjoy it since it sounds like an Agatha Christie novel, and I’m even more excited to watch the adaptation since Nicole Kidman is involve in it.

The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

I know they had to stop production of this show because of the pandemic, but they are already filming again, so I think we are getting this in 2021. I have only read the first book in this series, I’m hoping to read book two before the end of the year, but even having only read book one, I’m still so excited to see this world and characters on my screen. I can’t wait!

Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

This filmed is done since it was supposed to come out on October 2020, hopefully we will get it in 2021. While I didn’t love the adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express, I’m a huge Agatha Christie fan, so I’ll give this movie a chance. Here’s the trailer.

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

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I had mentioend this one in a post beofre, because it was supposed to come out in 2020, but there were some issues with the release and now it seems it’s coming out on Netflix. As I have mentioned before, I have absolutely zero interest in reading this book, but I LOVE Amy Adams, so I’ll definitely watch the film. Here’s the trailer.

What book to screen adaptations are you looking forward to watching in 2021? What are your favorite adptations?

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