9 Books with Anxiety Representation

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9 Books Monday is a feature here on Bookish Wanderess, where I talk about 9 books that have positive representation of diverse experiences including the experiences of people of the LGBTQIA community, Native people, people of color, people with physical and cognitive disabilities or mental illnesses, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.

In the past, I have done posts about 9 book with: Bisexual female mcLatinx mcBlack mcMuslim mc, Lesbian mcAsian mc and  Trans mc. (mc=main characters).

This time I’m doing 9 books with Anxiety Representation:

3 Books I Read and Loved

queens of geeks

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

I loved this book; this not only has a ton of references to books, tv shows and movies, it also has so much diversity. One of the main characters, Taylor, is on the autism spectrum and has severe anxiety,  and the other, Charlie, is bisexual and chinese. This  has some amazing quotes about anxiety that literally describe things that I feel on a daily basis and I felt so understood while reading this. 


under rose-tainted skies

Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

This is an #ownvoices book about a girl that has agoraphobia, anxiety and OCD. Some of the quotes about anxiety on this book resonated with me so deeply, it was like it was talking about me. Also, this book doesn’t treats love as a cure for a mental illness and it has a positive view of therapy and meds and that’s amazing and so needed!


TTurtles_All_the_Way_Down_-_John_Greenurtles All the Way Down by John Green

This books means so much to me, it has #ownvoices OCD and anxiety rep and while I only struggle with anxiety and not with OCD, the depictions of intrusive thoughts were SO RELATABLE.  I loved that this book addresses the fact that mental illnesses are a life long struggle and that sometimes even the people that try to understand what someone with a mental illness is going through, they have moments were they just don’t. Also, this books hasa positive view of therapy and shows that love is not a cure for mental illness.

4 Books on my TBR 

10 Things I Can See from Here10 Things I Can See From Here by Carrie Mac

This books is a bit scary for me because I have read some review by other people with anxiety that mention that this was very hard to read for them because the depiction of anxiety is very accurate and detailed. BUT I still want to read it, because I’m always looking for the books that make me feel less alone in terms of my anxiety.  Beside the anxiety rep, this has an f/f romance and it’s #ownvoices queer rep.


A Quiet Kind of Thunder 

A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard 

I have heard this books is really, really cute and that it will put a smile on my face, so I want to read it and see, because that’s not usually what people say about books that have a character with anxiety.  I know this is heavy on the romance, but it’s not one of those stories where romance cures mental illness, so YAY! 🎉 This has selective mutism, deafness, poc and social anxiety rep.


Learning Curves


Learning Curves by Ceille Simkiss

This is a romance novella and I have heard it does a very good job of exploring the experience of having anxiety and being in a relationship. There’s fat, Puerto Rican, panromantic, lesbian and asexual rep. f/f romance.


Beneath the Citadel 

Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria

I don’t know of that many fantasy books with anxiety rep, so as soon as found out one of the main characters in this book has severe anxiety I knew I had to get my hands on it. This book not only has anxiety rep, it has fat, poc and queer rep as well. It keeps getting better and better! Also, all my friends on Goodreads that have read this have giving it 5 stars, which is really impresive!

2 Books Releasing Soon  

I Wish You All the Best


I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver

For what I have heard this book will break our hearts but it will be lovely while doing it, so…that sounds fun! Right? This not only has anxiety rep, but also #ownvoices non-binary rep.


You Asked for Perfect


You Asked for Perfect by Laura Silverman 

This book touches on anxiety and panic attacks and it’s all about how sometimes people put too much pressure on themeselves. It has an m/m romance, but I have heard that it’s not the main focus of the story.


What books with anxiety rep have you read and loves? Which ones are on your tbr? DO you know of any fantasy or scifi books with anxiety rep? 

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14 thoughts on “9 Books with Anxiety Representation

  1. I loved the anxiety & phobia representation in Under Rose-Tainted Skies too! I can’t wait to get to Beneath the Citadel, YA fantasy with main characters with anxiety really isn’t as common as it should be.
    My favorite books with main characters who have anxiety are Final Draft by Riley Redgate (contemporary) and The Dark Beneath the Ice by Amelinda Bérubé (horror). I can’t think of a fantasy book with anxiety representation, but Paris Adrift by E.J. Swift (adult time travel fantasy) had a main character who had panic attacks and City of Lies by Sam Hawke (high fantasy) had a main character with OCD, and I liked both of these.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have Final Draft on my tbr, but I haven’t heard about any of the other books you mentioned. I’m adding them all to my tbr!!! I’m especually interested in The Dark Beneath the Ice, because I discovered that I liked horror books recently and I want to read more of them.

      Liked by 1 person

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