Latinx Book Bingo Announcement | Latinx Heritage Month 2019

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to share that the Latinx Book Bingo is officially coming back for a second edition this year! 🎉🎉🎉


The Latinx book bingo will take place from September 15 to October 15, which is Hispanic Heritage Month 2019 (or how we are choosing to called it: Latinx Heritage Month). The bingo is being hosted by Paola (@Mancerelle), Allie (@Alliewithbooks) and myself (@SofiainBookland) just like last year and the purpose of it is to highlight books about latinx characters and written by latinx authors.

The aim of the bingo is to read as many Latinx books as you can, guided by the prompts on the bingo board.  You can also try to get a bingo (read all prompts on a single line or row — you can read horizontally, vertically, and diagonally), but it’s not necessary, we just hope you read some latinx reads during this month.

I want to quickly explain that we always want to promote intersectional stories, so the square that says intersectional MC prompts you to read a book where the main character is Latinx AND is part of the LGBTQIA community or has a mental illness or is neurodivergent or disabled. Something similar happens with the square that says fat rep, it means read a book with a character that it’s both Latinx and fat.

The Grief KeeperThe main difference between last year and this year is that we have a group book, which is The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante, and the amazing thing is that we are reading this book as part of a month long readalong organized by the hosts of the Latinx Book Club (which I’m part of as well), the Latinxathon and us, the host of the Latinx Book Bingo. For this we are using the hashtag #LatinxLitTakeover.  I couldn’t be more excited that we all decided to read this book together as a way to start or further conversations about immigration (which is one of the main themes of the book) considering everything that’s happening right now and how it’s affecting thousands of immigrants.

We are planning some amazing things through the @LatinxBookBingo Twitter account, so follow us to get recommendations of Latinx reads,  to find some lovely Latinx bookish people since we are doing shout outs throughout the month and to participate in the giveaway we are hosting. You can use the #LatinxBookBingo hashtag for all your related tweets and posts. I will be posting a tbr and a recommendation list in the next couple of weeks in case you need help setting up your tbr.

I hope you can join us! If you have any comments or questions, please let them in the comments! 

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