February 2017 Wrap Up


I don’t know how but I managed to read 10 books in February, and ,what’s even more exciting, 9 of those books were diverse. This is gonna be a bit of a long post, so let’s talk about the books!


God Smites and Other Muslim Girl Problems by Ishara Deen (4,2 stars) 

I recieved this book from the author and I’m extremely grateful to her. This is a funny, charming and interesting book. The main character, Asiya,has a unique voice that shines throughout the whole story. Also, the humour is absolutely brilliant and that comes from being honest and outspoken about things that are not often talked about in YA. Here’s my review.

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco (4,2 stars) 

I recieved this book when it first came out and I’m ashamed to say I didn’t read it until recently. This book is atmospheric, it has a creepy vibe that captures the attention of the reader, while also having amazing main characters that are intelligent, funny and complex. The only flaw is that it’s easy to guess who Jack the Ripper is.

The Skating Rink by Roberto Bolaño (3,2 stars)

I read this in my purse of reading more Latin American authors, my boyfriend and one of my best friends love Roberto Bolaño and that’s why I ended up reading his book. The story is told from the perspective of 3 men, it’s an internal monologue of what they think and how they see women in their lives and it isn’t entertaining or insightful. By the end of the book, the reader doesn’t have an idea of who these women actually are, only the ideas these men create about them. Also, this is a mystety and it becomes really predictable after halfway through the book. The one great thing about this book is the writing. Roberto Bolaño is definitely talented with words.

If the Dress Fits by Carla de Guzman (4 stars) 

This book is funny and cute. The main character, Martha, is plus sized and she has a positive relationship with her weight and that makes this story really valuable.  The book is set in the Philippines and the cultural aspects are very fasicnating and insightful. Also, there ‘s fake dating and the best friends to lovers trope in this story, which allows some emotional moments and makes this book really swoony.

Well Played by Katrina Ramos Atienza (3,4 stars)

This is a Pride and Prejudice retelling set in a university in the Philippine and learning a little bit about how things work in their educational system is entertatining. The characters are interesting enough and the romenace is good even if it takes way too long to start moving forward. The main problem with this book is that it’s too short and that makes the ending feel a bit rush.


Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan (I didn’t give it a rating)

This book has really problematic content; there are biphobic comments, ableist comment,  a woc is called ‘exotic’ repeately and there are a lot of other issues. At the same time, this is #ownvoices, the author shared the sexuality and ethnicity of the main character. The few things I liked about this book were that it has a lesbian Persian main character, her family and their culture were big parts of the book, her friends were great and the love story we get at the very end was cute. I’m really conflicted about this book and I think I wouldn’t recommend it.

The Backstagers by James Tynion IV & Rian Sygh ( 4Stars)

This is a cute and short graphic novel that has a diverse cast of character and great representation. Also, it has mystery and fantastical elements that make it interesting and intriguing.Here’s my review.

How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake ( 4,5 stars) 

I recieved an ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review. This book has an amazing romance, Grace and Eva are so cute! Grace is bisexual and Eva is a biracial lesbian girl, these topics are address in a sensitive and thoughtful way; this book is a great example of representation done right. Another good thing about the book is the story of Grace and her mom, which is raw and complicated and told with so much honesty.

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (4,2 stars)

This book is about a love story, pure and simple. There are a lot of important subjects discussed, especially race, but at its core I feel this is a love story. A beautifully written love story that can be slow at times, but that by the end it has the reader engrossed. It is defenitely a character driven story, the main character Ifemelu is really complex and kind of intriguing, while the plot is a simpler one.

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire (4,3 stars)

This is a odd book that has a really fascinating premise.  Hearing about all the different lands the kids went to was incredibly entertaining and the diverse cast of characters, both in terms of LGBTQ+ community and POC’s is represented in a thoughtful and considerate way.

  Have you read any of these books? Did you enjoy them? Do you want to read any of them? Let me know in the comments! 

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11 thoughts on “February 2017 Wrap Up

  1. Hmmm! Interesting that you would consider Americanah a love story. That’s the last thing I would call it haha.
    Also I really wanna read Every Heart a Doorway. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it’s because I felt like it didn’t have a define plot (not a bad thing!), it was just this exploration of these two characters and their story together even when they were apart and how they find each other again at the end. I guess I meant it like that, not a love story from a romantic perspective. I think I should have expressed it differently.

      Also, Every Heart a Doorway is really good. Great ace and trans representation.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah honestly I had forgotten the other guy haha, I read it quite a while ago and only remembered the girl! It makes more sense now. I still don’t consider it a love story, but I see what you mean. ☺


  2. I wish I could read that much!! I only read 4 books. :/
    I have Stalking Jack the Ripper on my shelf too but I haven’t read it yet – but I’m really excited to do it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 4 books is really good! that’s how much I read most months, I don’t know how I read so much in February, but it won’t happen now that I’m in the middle of the semester.

      Stalking Jack the Ripper is amazing, it’s a really engrossing book and it’s very atmospheric and the main character is fascinating. I hope you enjoy it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks!! I hope so too, it sounds awesome.
        I’ve been reading only 4 books per month lately because of school too, I wish I had more free time :/
        I hope you can still read a lot in March 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I really enjoyed stalking jack the ripper, something about it just kept me so gripped. I enjoyed every heart a doorway as well but I did feel like there was something missing. I kind of wish it had been just a bit longer so the worlds could be explained more but I still enjoyed it and I can’t wait for the sequel (or companion) book!

    Liked by 1 person

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